Inn of the Mountain Gods
White Sands New Mexico
Billy the Kid Pageant, Lincoln New Mexico
Mid-Town Ruidoso Shopping
Spencer Theater for the Performing Arts
Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography
Things to Do A to Z
Hurd & Wyeth La Rinconada Gallery
Fine Art, Guest Homes, Wine Tasting Room
15 miles East in San Patricio
Monday–Saturday, 9 AM - 5 PM
Gallery 408 on 12th Street
Oils, Sculpture, Photography, Ceramics, Collage, Jewelry, Pottery.
408 12th St., Carrizozo NM 88310 - 575.648.2598
Tularosa Basin Photographic Gallery
401 12th Street, Carrizozo NM
Phone: 575-937-1489
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: 12 pm - 5 pm
Kids Stuff
Grindstone Stables
513 Resort Drive, Ruidoso NM 88345
Funtrackers - 101 Carrizo Canyon
(Go-Carts, Bumper Boats, Mini-Golf & Arcade)
Major Attractions
Ruidoso Downs Race Track & Casino
Open Memorial Day thru Labor Day
Spencer Theater - What a Venue!
Major Events
Ruidoso Downs Opening Day
Golden Aspen Motorcycle Rally
Smokey Bear Days, Capitan
Smokey Bear Independence Day Parade
Fort Stanton Live!
Billy the Kid Old Lincoln Days
Lincoln County Art Loop Studio Tour
Day Trips
Old Lincoln Town - Lincoln NM
Cloudcroft - 1 hour drive. Visit the Lodge at sundown for a great meal and view.
White Sands - 1 hour, 15 minute drive
Miles and miles of gypsum sand
Alamogordo - New Mexico Museum of Space History
The Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
San Antonio NM - 1 hour, 30 minute drive
Golf (My personal favorite)
(Monday specials)
Links at Sierra Blanca - 258-5330
(Great driving range & practice area)
Ski and Snowboard
Ski Apache - 336-4356 (Open Thanksgiving thru Easter)
J Roberts - 2608 Sudderth
(As good as anything in Dallas for women's clothing)
Good Eats
Casa Blanca 501 Mechem Dr.
The Rancher's Steak and Seafood
2823 Sudderth Drive, Ruidoso, NM 88345
(575) 257-7540
Smokey Bear Restaurant
310 Smokey Bear Blvd.
Hours 6AM-8PM Mon-Sun
Texas Club Steakhouse
2 Metz Drive, Ruidoso, NM 88345
Bonito Lake - 12 miles North of town
(Trout stamp and license required)
Ruidoso River - Pick a spot
(Try #10 hooks and salmon eggs and a license)
Smokey Bear Historical Park - Capitan
Fun place to tell the kids about Wild Fire Danger